Three or four hobbies were decimating the insect population, while mad mallards dashed around and loony lapwings defended their nest - how much space do you need, mate?
A nightingale making sure it's his territory, a gull imitating the terns by feeding off the water, a heron with half a tree and a female blackcap today at the pits.
The boys are taking their big toy, the B-17, to pieces to get it out of the emergency exit of the American Air Museum, so I photographed the light. An engineer posed on the Spitfire he was putting back together, and was glad he didn't have to deal with the bird's nest of HT leads on the 1917 Liberty V-12 engine.
Visited Bletchley Park to see the code breaker museum. In fact, there isn't much you can do with codes and decryption, so there are are other artifacts, including a tableaux of the Pegasus Bridge, a huge collection of Churchill memorabilia and Harrier jet. The slate statue is of Alan Turing.
The light was much better at Watlington today. We scraped a rabbit off the road to use for bait, though it seems that kites prefer sausage rolls and cheese sarnies. Ann used her iPod to play kite calls and this got them interested. Then a very rare bird drifted over the fields, and I was slow to realise what it was - a male hen harrier.
Sadie's motor skills are improving every day. She copies us very well and knows what she wants to do. She even gets in a paddy if she is stopped from doing it. The tambourine was a new toy, 20p from the Cat Protection Shop. Yesterday, too, Casla went to her new home with Bryan and Val, and settled in well.